Monday 15 April 2024

Arrival at Munnar, Western Ghats

I think I'm going to like it here..... arrived at Flower Valley Plantation homestay near Munnar in the Western Ghats at 3.30pm, by 6pm my from the balcony list contained Malabar parakeet, Loten's sunbird, dollarbird, brown shrike, Malabar grey hornbill, red-whiskered bulbul, India swiftlet, alpine swift, hill myna, jungle babbler, rufous treepie, racket-tailed drongo and red-whiskered bulbul as well as blue pansy butterfly and stream ruby, the latter a small damselfly very similar to our demoiselles.

Brown shrike.

Female Loten's sunbird.

Red-whiskered bulbul.

Blue pansy.

Stream ruby.

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