Tuesday 23 April 2024

Arrival in Goa

We've arrived in Goa, a place called Betalbatim, and safe to say that it's chalk and cheese to the other places we have been to so far in neighbouring Kerela. Not just the birds, which are just as numerous but different to Kerela, but at least where we are, Goa seems like a different country. For example, tuk tuks (rickshaws) are almost non-existent here whereas in Kerela they're everywhere, and the people seem to dress differently, more western. In fact it's not got a very Indian feel to the place. Perhaps that's just because we're in a tourist area.

The beaches are big and not particularly busy, but there are not a lot of birds in evidence. These greater sandplover were about the best, but there are also small flocks of greenshank. Two little terns were also present briefly.


These patterns are made by bubbler crabs which scurry across the beach at high speed and disappear  down holes if you try to get anywhere near them. I've seen them before in Australia.

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