Tuesday 16 April 2024

Bits and pieces from Flower Valley Plantation homestay

This crested serpent eagle flew over mid-morning. 

Our resident brown shrike continues to show well.

At least three little spiderhunters were in the garden today.

Rufous babbler.

Plenty of butterflies and dragonflies around the garden and stream, including this Iridescent stream glider. 

Yellow-tailed ashy skimmer seems pretty common here as well.

The stream ruby is the real star though, just look at this one! Repelling an intruder by holding its white legs forward like a loaded weapon pointing straight at an opponent!

Narrow-bordered bluebottle looks a bit different to the bluebottles we get in the UK.

Pygmy scrub hopper, I think. Obviously one of the skippers.

Red perriot.

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