Friday 26 April 2024

Betalbatim Lake, Goa

About 1km from our hotel at Beleza on the Beach there was a small lake known as Betalbatim Lake, which held an interesting array of birds, including especially these bronze-winged jacanas, seen here with a couple of Indian pond herons. Other birds not photographed included various egrets, black-headed ibis, red-wattled lapwings and rufous treepie.

Grey-headed swamphens.

White-throated kingfisher, the commonest kingfisher.

I've seen a few stork-billed kingfishers but never well enough to get a decent photo. What a bird though!

Male Asian koel, a type of cuckoo.

White-browed bulbul.

Asian green bee-eater.

Greenshank and marsh sandpiper showing the size difference.

It may look like a butterfly, especially when in flight, but this is a dragonfly, common picture wing.

Pied paddy skimmer.

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