Friday 26 April 2024

Swallows on the wire

A pair of wire-tailed swallows kept flying around and landing on the wires at Betalbatim Lake. This is a species I really wanted to see, ever since I bought "Swallows and Martins of the world" in the Helm series, way back in 1989.

I was surprised to see this streak-throated swallow on the wires. This is quite a scarce bird in this area so a very decent record. Other swallows seen were red-rumped swallow and barn swallow. Swifts were also well represented within the area, with little swift, Indian swiftlet and best of all, white-rumped spinetail all seen. Like the streaked-throated swallow, the spinetail is a very scarce bird in the area.

Male and female wire-tailed swallows.

Streak-throated swallow.

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